Culture clash?

Culture clash?

The FSSC report Graduate Skills and Recruitment in The City has the following quotes (p 45) from a graduate recruitment manager at an inves...
It's academic

It's academic

On of my favourite quotes from the credit crisis comes from the 2/02/08 edition of The Economist, the article " No Defense " on fr...
Getting serious about banking

Getting serious about banking

We do not think banking is a serious occupation. If we take a job seriously, like the law, medicine, accountancy, engineering, teaching or ...
Was the credit crunch a science story?

Was the credit crunch a science story?

A recent report from the LSE has raised some important questions concerning financial journalism. Specifically, in relation to the credit c...
Do the maths

Do the maths

In a week that has seen the disappearance from the financial landscape of such venerable firms as Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and the Ban...


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